About Me: The Short Version

My passion is health, wellness, and functional medicine, specifically in the ozone and IV nutrition arena. I have creatively developed patient education and staff training programs to increase patient loyalty, retention dramatically, and improve marketing ROI and drive productivity enhancing patient connectivity which ultimately increases profits.

My business philosophy centers on creativity and innovation with the intent to connect with those I serve rather than merely fulfilling a job description. Realizing that most skills can be taught and learned, but sincere desire to conceptualize, strategize, and implement to improve a given business is unique and much more valuable.

I did not help so many clinics or create Causality Solutions for a job. I am looking for opportunities to develop relationships with like-minded people who want to look at their business differently, and who want to grow this marvelous medicine to the world (or at least to those in their area). I am seeking people who can visualize their business changing to expand, and help them virtualize those concepts and make them a reality.

This medicine is necessary and holds a special place in my heart. And I want it to spread all over the world.

My priorities lie in service-based practices involving integrity and honesty, highlighting true connectivity with leaders, doctors, as well as patients. I am looking for an opportunity where I can make a difference.

Creating Causality Solutions helps me do that.


Patient Education Focused

One of my main focuses on creating Causality Solutions was to educate patients. The more educated your patients are, the more loyal they will be, the more money they will spend, and the stronger the trust will be in you as their provider.

Part of the way to do that was to create educational patient handouts, which help your patients understand the conditions they suffer from and the solutions you provide.

Check them out!

Another Focus On Staff Training

Recent studies show that most staff members or employees agree that they lack enough training to reach their full potential. What this can lead to is disbelief in treatments and services, a distrust in you as the doctor, and a break in communication with patients. However, this doesn’t have to be.

You can run a multi-million dollar clinic with the right training and guidance, with a killer foundation of principles that inspire, a team of believers and producers, and confidence that comes from knowing you’re making a difference. I can help!

See Training Options


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“Nature is the source of all true knowledge. She has her own logic, her own laws, she has no effect without cause nor invention without necessity.”
– Leonardo da Vinci –